For Immediate Release
February 26, 2019

Mayor Hailes delivered the following speech at the Grand Opening of the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex in Fox Creek, AB.

“Good evening the Honourable Minister McCuaig-Boyd, Reeve Gervais, special guests, ladies and gentlemen.

It is with a great deal of pride and excitement that I address you, on this, the occasion of the Grand Opening of the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex.

This fantastic facility was a long time in the making. For years recreation surveys always had consistent results; the community wanted and needed a year-round recreation facility. With two progressive, forward-looking councils combined with the catastrophic failure of the outdoor pool and the long-serving Derald Palmer Memorial Arena in need of an extensive modernization, the stars were aligned.

The project was initiated by the Fox Creek Council. Thank you, to Mayor Ahn and Council. It was soon realized that the project was beyond what the town could realistically afford. Discussions were initiated with the MD of Greenview council, and they soon came on board as an equal partner.  As the project evolved and grew, it again outpaced the town’s financial ability to fulfill the vision.  Greenview again stepped up and provided the additional finances that made this completed building possible. What great partners!

With the inclusion of our community services department in the envelope, it has become, as envisioned, the center of the community. This Multiplex will serve the needs of both municipalities for years to come, and judging by the comments I hear every weekend at my grandsons’ hockey games, the envy of almost every small town in Northern Alberta.

While opening the doors was a challenge, it is but part of the story. We need to keep those doors open. The operation of a facility such as this is an enormous undertaking well beyond the normal resources of a small community. This is where our sponsors have stepped up. The major industry players in the area have provided funding for the operation of the facility to enhance the lifestyles of their employees, a continuation of the longtime support they have invested in all aspects of our community.

While ATCO, Chevron, Pembina and Shell have jumped in with their support, they are not alone. The overwhelming participation of our local companies in sponsoring all aspects of this facility is a reflection of their continued commitment to making their hometown better. They are the backbone of our community and have been most generous in their sponsorships.

When you see the sponsor acknowledgements throughout the building tuck them away in your memory and when you see their representatives or the owners about town, thank them for without their commitment, all this would not have been possible.

Also a big thank you to all the staff who oversaw the project from beginning to end and who now are implementing programming to enhance all members of the community’s enjoyment of the facility.

Last week I was stopped in the grocery store by one of our long term senior residents. After a few pleasantries he said “when the plans for the multiplex were first announced, I said, what a waste of money and taxes, I’ll never step foot in the place. Well, now I practically live there, between the walking track, pickleball and the pool. It’s the best thing ever to come to town.”

That testimonial and all of the smiling faces I encounter on every visit is truly what has made the journey worthwhile.

Thank you and enjoy this evening of celebration.”