Bylaws, Licenses and Policies
Below are some of the Town of Fox Creek’s most frequently requested Bylaws, Policies and Permits
If the Bylaw, Policy or Permit that you are looking for is not found below, please call the Town Administration Office at 780.622.3896 or email
A short synopsis has been provided as well as the ability to download the document in its entirety.
If you have a bylaw complaint to make to the Town, contact the Town Administration Office during office hours.
In order for Administration to record a complaint, you must be willing to give your name, address, and phone number. This information is kept confidential. Once a complaint has been made with Administration, it is passed on to the appropriate department. If your concern involved a bylaw, it is passed on to the Peace Officer.
Bylaw tickets can be paid at the Town Administration Office during regular business hours. If you have a complaint against an issued ticket, please complete a complaint form at the Town Administration Office or at the RCMP Detachment.
Bylaws, Licenses & Policies
The Town of Fox Creek is committed to recognizing individual, team, organization and business achievements.
The Town recognizes various types of achievements such as:
- Provincial, national or international competition, or other similar acclaim
- Culture or Community Services
- Milestones, such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays and anniversaries or organizations and businesses within Fox Creek
- Official openings of organizations and businesses in Fox Creek; and
- Community and Town Volunteers
The Town will recognize the various achievements through a letter of Congratulations, Certificates of Recognition or an Award of Merit depending on the achievement. Please read all requirements, fill out the forms below and hand them in at the Town Administration Office to have the special event recognized!
On October 26, 2017, the Municipal Government Act (MGA) was amended to allow municipalities to pass bylaws to allow for alternative notification methods.
With the passing of this bylaw, the Town of Fox Creek will have the flexibility to notify the public by various means once the community is without a hardcopy newspaper.
All dogs must be properly licensed on a annual basis.
The Town will not permit or license a dangerous dog within the Community.
No owner shall suffer, permit or allow for any reason, his/her dog or other domesticated animal to be at large within the Town of Fox Creek.
A Peace Officer may seize and capture any animal(s) found running at large or running loose, and may impound said animal(s) in the Town Animal Shelter.
The Town has one designated off-leash area, Adjacent the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex.
A Development Permit is required for any new construction or changes to any existing buildings or land. Development permit applications can be made at the Town Administration Office by filling out the form below:
- Development Permit Application (Residential)
- Development Permit Application (Commercial/Industrial)
- Sign Permit Application
- Demolition Permit Application
The Town of Fox Creek contracts out Superior Safety Codes Inc. for Permits and Inspections within the Town.
Contact Superior at 1.866.999.4777 or visit for more information.
A valid Business License is required to operate a Business within the Town of Fox Creek. The Business License Bylaw allows for licensing, control and regulation of Businesses within the Town. New applications or License renewals can be made at the Town Administration Office.
You may pay your annual business license fee by cheque made out to the Town of Fox Creek or at the Town Administration Office located at 102 Kaybob Drive. Download the application and information forms:
Business License Application Form for In-Town Businesses
Business License Application Form for Out-of Town Businesses
NEW: Business License Bylaw – 810-2018
The Cemetery Bylaw regulates and controls the operation of the Fox Creek Cemetery. The Town of Fox Creek is responsible for the selling of burial and cremation plots.
Guidelines for the structure and conduct of Council boards and committees.
The Curfew Bylaw was passed to regulate the time after which children shall not be in a public place at night without proper guardianship. The Curfew Bylaw is to assist parents and legal guardians in exercising authority over their children to keep their children safe from harm. The Town of Fox Creek Council is committed to preserving a community quality of life which emphasizes individual safety of children, and well being as well as the protection from harm of public and private property.
No child (17 years of age or under) shall be in a public place within the limits of the Town after the hour of 11:00 pm and before the hour of 6:00 am the following day without proper Adult Guardianship or a Legitimate Excuse. Any child that is found in a public place during these hours is guilty of an offence and is liable to receive a fine of not less than $100.00 dollars. The Guardian that has allowed the child to be in a public place during these hours is also liable for a fine not less than $100.00 dollars.
This bylaw’s purpose is to establish designated officer positions as permitted or required by the Municipal Government Act, and the terms and conditions of appointment, identify the powers, duties and functions of each designated officer position and provide for the delegation of designated officer’s powers, duties and functions.
Bylaw 832-2020 – Land – Vacant Commercial/Industrial Land
This bylaw provides a TWO (2) year tax exemption on land purchased from the Town of Fox Creek and that is actively being developed and serviced.
Bylaw 833-2020 – Building on Vacant Commercial/Industrial Land – First reading given May 4, 2020
This bylaw provides a tax exemption during the first year of construction, followed by a declining rebate for the next three (3) years for new building construction on any existing vacant commercial/industrial land in Fox Creek.
PO71-2019 Disposal of Municipal Property Policy
The formal process for the disposition of Municipal owned lands including Reserve Land, former Reserve Land, and Fee Simple Land which meets the requirements as set out in the Municipal Government Act.
The Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan 777-2016, is a statutory plan that provide a set of development policies for the downtown areas. It encompasses the local residents’ vision for the downtown over the next twenty-five years, including options to improve the downtown mobility, streetscape and public spaces, as well as attainable implementation strategies. This Plan is in alignment with the Town of Fox Creek’s Municipal Development Plan 775-2016.
Bylaw 849-2020 Municipal Emergency Management
The establishment of an Emergency Management Advisory Committee and an Emergency Management Plan
The Facade Improvement Grant Program seeks to stimulate private sector investment for the revitalization of existing commercial and mixed-use buildings in the Fox Creek Downtown Revitalization Area.
The Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex Facility User Policy’s purpose is to establish rules and regulations for the use of the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex and its various facilities.
No person shall enter, be or remain in the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex unless such person complies with this policy at all times and with all other applicable Town, Provincial or Federal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
PO77-2020: Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex Facility User Policy
To establish General Fees and Charges for Goods and Services delivered to the community in the Town of Fox Creek. This includes water rates, recreational fees and landfill fees.
Bylaw 834-2020 – Fees and Charges: Administration
Bylaw 838-2020 – Fees and Charges: Airport
Bylaw 839-2020 – Fees and Charges: Campgrounds
Bylaw 840-2020 – Fees and Charges: Cemetery
Bylaw 841-2020 – Fees and Charges: Facilities
Bylaw 842-2020 – Fees and Charges: Planning and Development
Bylaw 843-2020 – Fees and Charges: Protective Services
Bylaw 844-2020 – Fees and Charges: Public Works
Bylaw 845-2020 – Fees and Charges: Parks and Recreation
Bylaw 869-2023-A02 -Fees and Rates Charges – Water Wastewater and Solid Waste
The Town of Fox Creek has a few Bylaws that govern fires within the Town limits. Please refer to the Bylaws below if you are planning to have a fire. Please remember the Town of Fox Creek requires all businesses and residents to obtain permits prior to any open burn within the Town of Fox Creek boundaries. An Open Burn Permit can be picked up from the Town Administration Office for a fee of $25.00 and a signature from the the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief will be required.
This bylaw’s purpose is to designate a person as the head of the Town of Fox Creek and to set fees and charges for the Freedom of Information and Protective of Privacy Act (FOIP).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Bylaw 878-2024
Fox Creek’s Land Use Bylaw, and amendments, regulate how land and buildings are used, building location, site allocation, building heights, and other provisions to ensure orderly development.
Land Use Bylaw 824-2019 AO7 Consolidation
Land Use Bylaw Amendment – Relocation of Buildings
Our Municipal Grant Program provides local non-profit groups with funds, gifts or gifts-in-kind for events or projects that enhance and enrich our community.
The Chief Administrative Officer makes funding decisions based on local needs, community vision, strategic priorities and available funds in consultation with other departments.
Municipal Grant Program Policy
Grant Application Form – Events
This bylaw’s purpose is to prohibit certain activities creating noise, to abate the incidence of noise, and to restrict the hours when certain sounds may be made.
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (Chapter M 26.1), the Town of Fox Creek has established this bylaw to regulate nuisances, untidy and unsightly properties.
This bylaw’s purpose is to establish the types of payments accepted by the Town and the stipulations attached.
This bylaw’s purpose is for taxpayers to pay taxes in monthly instalments, and no penalties shall be applied to the current year’s taxes.
All lots in the Town of Fox Creek shall be sold on a first come first served basis.
Contractors / Developers purchasing one lot only are subject to the same terms and conditions as set out for individual purchasers, whether purchasing the lot for a client, or for re-sale.
Lot prices include: water, sewer, gas to property line, and all frontage charges to street, sidewalk and street lights. Lot price does not include Goods and Service Tax.
The Service Connection Repair Policy deals with the backup of sanitary sewer into private residences and businesses. It is intended to cover only sanitary sewer backup and is not applicable to the storm water drainage system.
The Smoke Free Public Places Bylaw regulates the consumption of Cannabis and/or Tobacco in any area or place where that person is prohibited from smoking under the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act or any other Act or Bylaws of the Town. Under this Bylaw, consumption of Cannabis and/or Tobacco is prohibited within a 30 meter radius of:
- A Recreation Facility;
- A Public Park;
- Any Town owned public facility;
- An outdoor ‘special event,’ unless in a defined area specifically identified by the event organizer as a designated consumption area;
- Where children are playing or congregating; or
- The front entrance to a commercial building;
- Consumption of recreation cannabis is prohibited in any form (smoking, vaping, and edibles) in Fox Creek Public Places.
The Bylaw does not prohibit a person from consuming cannabis at a residence.
The purpose of the Snow Removal Policy is to establish guidelines and priorities for the removal of snow and for the sanding of streets during the winter season.
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw 826-2019 provides the establishment of the Subdivision and Development Board (SDAB) for the Town of Fox Creek.
Bylaw 858-2021 Assessment Classes
A bylaw to allow the Municipality to subdivide assessment classes. (e.g. Class 1: Residential Assessment Class has a sub-class for single family residences and one for multi family residences)
A bylaw that is passed annually to impose a tax in respect of property in the municipality to raise revenue which is to be used toward the payment of expenditures and transfers set out in the budget.
A bylaw to impose penalties on all taxes remaining unpaid on days specified.
Bylaw 850-2020 – Tax Arrears Payment Plan
A bylaw to establish payment plans for taxes in arrears.
The Town of Fox Creek Taxi Bylaw 767-2016 constitutes the licensing, regulating and controlling of taxis and taxi businesses within the Town of Fox Creek.
To provide for the regulation, control and management of vehicle and pedestrian traffic on streets, roads, alleys and sidewalks, and passage of dangerous goods, within the Town of Fox Creek.
Bylaw 806-2018-A01 Traffic Control Amendment
Bylaw 806-2018 Traffic Control Bylaw
Bylaw 813-2018_Amendment to Bylaw 799-2017 and 806-2018 Traffic Control
On August 22, 2016 Bylaw 776-2016 The Waste Management Bylaw was passed. This Bylaw brings a few new rules into effect.
- ALL GARBAGE MUST BE IN A CAN OR RECEPTACLE – any waste that is not properly placed on the curb in a container WILL NOT BE PICKED UP.
- A garbage can when full must weigh no more than 18 kgs or 40 lbs
- When garbage is found on a property, regardless of who may have deposited the waste on the property, the owner or occupant of the premises shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal of the said waste.
The Water Bylaw is pertaining to the water and sewer services within the Town of Fox Creek. The Water Bylaw Outlines:
- Water Supply Measures
- Water Demand Management Measures
- Ownership of Facilities
- Alternate Water Supply
- Resale of Water
- Connection to the Town’s Distribution System
- Meters and Meter Readings
- Fire Hydrants
- Appropriate Use and Access of Facilities
- Utility Accounts and Water Service
- Service Disconnection and Reconnection
Bylaw 704-2011 The Water Bylaw
The Water Conservation Policy provides residents in the Town of Fox Creek with utility accounts in good standing to receive rebates in the form of a credit on their utility account for the installation of low-flow toilets, shower heads and in-line filtration systems.
For more information see the brochure and application form below or contact the Town Administration Office at 780.622.3896.
Water Rebate and Filtration Program Brochure
Water Rebate and Filtration Program Application