Planning and Development

Planning and Development manages long-range planning for Fox Creek’s land use and development.

The Department also assists current residents, developers, builders and other stakeholders by permitting, applications reviews, and public consultations on community development decisions.

Fox Creek’s vision for a positive future—captured through public engagement and outlined in the Municipal Development Plan—guides the day-to-day activities of Planning and Development. The Department is committed to using Smart Growth principles to facilitate the design and implementation of our programs and incentives.

Bylaw, Policies, and Related Documents

Hierarchy of Plans

MGA Section 638 states that all statutory plans adopted by a municipality must be consistent with each other.

The Town of Fox Creek Land Use Bylaw regulates the use and development of land and buildings in the Town of Fox Creek pursuant to Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act. The Intermunicipal Development Plan and Municipal Development plan are Statutory documents that help guide the future of Fox Creek and are taken into consideration when developing the rules and regulations in the Land Use Bylaw.

If a conflict or inconsistency between statutory plans is found:

  • An intermunicipal development plan will prevail over a municipal development plan, area structure plan or area redevelopment plan; and
  • A municipal development plan will prevail over an area structure plan or area redevelopment plan.

Intermunicipal Development Plans

Municipal Development Plan

Land Use Bylaw

The Planning and Development department has a series of information brochures outlining issues and requirements for common residential improvement projects.

Visit our online mapping system, Discover Fox Creek.

Fox Creek’s Land Use Bylaw, and amendments, regulate how land and buildings are used, building location, site allocation, building heights, and other provisions to ensure orderly development.

Land Use Bylaw 824-2019 A07 Consolidation

Land Use Zoning Map – March 2023

Land Use Bylaw Amendment – Relocation of Buildings

The Municipal Development Plan for the Town of Fox Creek provides policy direction that promotes sustainable growth and development, and supports both a high quality of life and economic opportunities for the community.

Through a vision for the future, strategic principles, and an overall concept for growth over the next 25 years, both private and public sector actions and decisions can be coordinated to achieve these desired long-term goals for the community.

View the Fox Creek Municipal Development Plan

The Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (DARP) for the Town of Fox Creek presents a vision for the core of our community over the next 25 years. As our community grows and develops over time, we intend for our downtown to serve as a retail and service hub that not only provides a centre for local residents, but also serves the region as a whole.

In addition to providing additional commercial opportunities, we also want to position our downtown as a centre of community activity.

Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan

The MD of Greenview and the Town of Fox Creek have jointly adopted an intermunicipal development plan (IDP) for lands lying within the municipalities. The Inter-municipal Development Plan provides for the future land use, the manner of and proposals for future development and any other matter relating to the physical, social or economic development within the shared area.

Inter-municipal Development Plan

Before beginning development on any project there are several steps you will need to take to make sure your new building or development is in compliance with local bylaws and regulations.

Permits for Developments and Constructions

The Town of Fox Creek requires all businesses that are operating, working, providing or selling a product or service within or partially within the town corporate boundaries to possess a valid Fox Creek business license

Business license Application Form- Out of town businesses

Business License – Local Business

When a land owner wishes to split their lot in half or when a developer wishes to create a multi-lot subdivision for the construction of several homes, they need a subdivision permit. In order to allow for the subdivision to occur there are several administrative and legal changes that must take place.

Subdivision Permits

Safety Codes Officers (SCO) review building plans and complete construction inspections as required under the Alberta Building Code. You must have a plans review completed by an accredited SCO before a building permit can be issued.

Accredited Safety Codes Agency appointed by the Town:


12010 – 111 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4S9

Ph.: 780-489-4777 or 1-866-999-4777

Fax: 780-489-4711 or 1-866-900-4711



If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Development department 780-622-3896 or