During their Regular Meeting held on November 9, 2020, Council passed Bylaw 854-2020: Temporary Mandatory Face Covering Bylaw with immediate implementation.

Bylaw 854-2020: Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings

This bylaw will remain in effect until the Municipal District of Greenview No.16 is off the Alberta Health Services Watch List for 14 days or until otherwise determined by Council.


  • A person MUST wear a face covering (mask) at all times while in an indoor, enclosed, or substantially enclosed public place or public vehicle.

  • An Employer or Proprietor MUST prominently display a sign containing all pertinent information relating to Bylaw 854-2020 in a location that is visible to a person immediately upon entering the establishment.

  • Failure to comply with any provision of Bylaw 854-2020 may result in a Violation Ticket, fines being issued and require the issuant to appear in court.

This Bylaw does NOT apply to the following:

  • Children 5 years of age and under
  • Persons who are unable to place, use, or remove a Face Covering without assistance
  • Persons unable to wear a Face Covering due to a mental or physical concern or limitation, or protected ground under the Alberta Human Rights Act, RSA 2000 cA-25.5
  • Persons consuming food or drink in designated seating areas or as part of religious or spiritual ceremony
  • Persons engaged in water activities or physical exercise
  • Persons providing care or assistance to a persons with a disability where a Face Covering would hinder that caregiving or assistance
  • Persons engaging in services that require the temporary removal of a Face Covering
  • Any portion of a Public Place of a building that is accessible only to employees and that are not open to the general public including, without limitation, private offices, board rooms, washrooms and facilities
  • Public Vehicle operators, provided that a physical barrier or physical distancing practices are implemented between any person not required to wear a mask

Face Covering (Mask) – A mask or other face covering that covers the mouth, nose, and chin ensuring a barrier that limits the transmission of infectious respiratory droplets.

Public Place – Any property, whether publicly or privately owned, to which members of the public have access as a right or by expressed or implied invitation, and whether on payment of any fee or not;

Does NOT include buildings or portions of buildings being used exclusively for the following purposes:

  • schools, and education programs governed by the Education Act SA 2012c. C-0.3
  • daycares and other childcare facilities including those governed by the Child Care Licensing Act, SA 2007 cc, C-10.5
  • children’s day camps
  • post secondary institutions
  • hospitals, independent health facilities, and officers of regulated health professionals

Public Vehicles – A bus, taxi, or other vehicles that are used to transport members of the public for a fee.


Yes. All persons are required to wear a mask in all indoor public places, even if there is a barrier in place.

An exception to this would be Public Vehicles. Operators of these vehicles are not required to wear a mask if there is a barrier between them and passengers.

While the MD of Greenview and all the municipalities within it are under Watch Status, the size of social and family gatherings will have a mandatory limit of 15 people. This will go for both indoor and outdoor gatherings where people are mixing and mingling.

This applies to all social gatherings including but not limited to:

  • banquets and award ceremonies
  • weddings or funeral receptions
  • luncheons or potlucks
  • parties: birthday, baby showers, retirement, dinners, backyard BBQs, etc.

This doesn’t apply to structured events, including but not limited to:

  • seated-audience conferences, sports and shows
  • dining in restaurants
  • fitness centres
  • funeral services
  • wedding ceremonies
  • worship services
If your employees are in their designated space/work station and are at least 2 metres from anyone else, then they are not required to wear a mask. However, as soon as anyone comes within 2 metres or if it is not possible to maintain social distances, then the employees must wear masks.