Delegates from Municipal Affairs were present at the May 27th Regular Meeting of Council. They briefly discussed the Municipality Accountability Program (MAP), which began in March 2018, and is mandatory for municipalities with populations under 5,000. The delegates advised Council that The Town of Fox Creek has been selected for a 2019 MAP review and their presence at the meeting was strictly observational.
With the previous acceptance of the 2019 Operating Budget on May 13th, Administration brought back to Council the various community group’s requests for funding. The funds for these requests will come from the Grants to Groups budget, which for 2019, totals $335,355. Upon review of the applications, Council has approved the disbursement of funds.
Councillor Ahn attended the Heart River Housing meeting in High Prairie on May 16th. She reported that they have just completed their 2020-2022 business plan and have identified an addition to the Iosegun Manner as their number one priority. The board has given Administration direction to seek funding to complete this project.
Mayor Hailes attended the Synergy Meeting on May 21st. The meeting included a presentation from Fox Creek School students regarding the Icelandic Student Exchange, an AER report on the growing abandoned well problem, and a tour of the new Pembina facility located on the Bigstone.
Mayor Hailes also attended a presentation from a Calgary group on May 22nd. The group is proposing to use non-producing industry wells to access geothermal energy and then utilizing that infrastructure for industrial use. With this geothermal energy, they foresee the opportunity for agricultural projects, lumber drying, cannabis production, fish farming, as well as any project that requires a large amount of heat. After receiving a tour of Fox Creek, the group was impressed with the community and what it has to offer.
Council has directed the CAO and Mayor to proceed with the execution of the Teaming and Non-Disclosure Agreements between the Town of Fox Creek, LaPrairie Works Inc., and 730550 Alberta Ltd in regards to the Airport lands. An open session for public opinion will be held before the June 10th Regular Meeting of Council.
Administration has been directed by Council to subdivide a portion of the Storm Retention Pond for purchase with the purpose of commercial development. The parcel is to be sold for the agreed price, which will be no less than fair market value.