Press Release

February 21, 2025


The Town of Fox Creek is pleased to share its updated population statistics as recorded in the 2024 Municipal Affairs Population List, recently released by Alberta Municipal Affairs. The population list, which includes data from both the 2021 Federal Census of Canada and municipal censuses conducted by Alberta municipalities, provides an updated look at population trends across the province.

Understanding the Municipal Census

Municipal censuses play a critical role in helping towns and cities across Alberta obtain an accurate count of their residents. Unlike the federal census conducted every five years, a municipal census is conducted at the discretion of each municipality. The data collected is used to ensure proper funding allocation, infrastructure planning, and service delivery for communities. This information is essential for municipal decision-making and supports applications for government grants and funding programs.

Each municipality in Alberta has the option to conduct a municipal census within a set period between March 1 and July 31. The results are submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and, upon approval, become the official population count for that community. The 2024 Municipal Affairs Population List reflects these approved figures.

Fox Creek’s 2024 Population Update

The latest population figures from the 2024 Municipal Affairs Population List show that Fox Creek’s population now stands at 2,428, with a total of 1,221 private dwellings. This represents a notable increase from the 2019 municipal census, which reported a population of 2,189 and 1,133 private dwellings.

Fox Creek’s population growth reflects the community’s resilience and continued development, attracting new residents while supporting its existing population. The town remains a key economic and industrial hub, with forestry, oil and gas, and outdoor recreation playing vital roles in its economy.

Additionally, the shadow population—which accounts for temporary residents working in local industries—has been reported at 413 individuals in 2024. This population component is particularly significant for Fox Creek, given its role as a service hub for resource industries.

For more information, please contact:
Kristen Milne
Chief Administrative Officer Town of Fox Creek

102 Kaybob Drive, PO Box 149,
Fox Creek, AB T0H 1P0
(P) 780-622-3896

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