
About Davis Johnson

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So far Davis Johnson has created 39 blog entries.

Public Notice – Notice of Action to: Evan Osborne and Yvonne Osborne

2024-11-15T10:51:12-07:00November 15, 2024|Public Notices|

TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, the Town of Fox Creek, issued an Originating Application numbered 2403 20674 in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta, at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta. The Applicant's solicitors are Reynolds, Mirth, Richards & Farmer, 1800, 10220 – 103 Avenue (Sean Ward) Tel. 780-497-3334. [Read more]

Public Notice – Notice of Action to: Evan Osborne and Yvonne Osborne

2024-10-25T12:34:48-06:00October 25, 2024|Public Notices|

TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, the Town of Fox Creek, issued an Originating Notice numbered 2403 20674 in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta, at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta. The Applicant's solicitors are Reynolds, Mirth, Richards & Farmer, 1800, 10220 – 103 Avenue (Sean Ward) Tel. 780-497-3334. [Read more]