

COVID-19: News & Notices


As of November 10, 2020, all members of the Public will be required to wear a mask when entering all indoor public spaces, including the Town Administration Office.

For more information call the Town Administration Office at 780-622-3896.

Public Notice: Management of the Fox Creek RV Campground to be moved

October 12, 2021|

Since its opening, the Fox Creek RV Campground has been managed from the Town of Fox Creek Administration Office. Patrons of the campground could make payments, check the status of available stalls, and get general information on the campground itself. However, effective today this service will now be offered through the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex. [Read More] [Read more]

Safe Practices

Wash Your Hands Frequently

Avoid Touching Your Face

Clean & Disinfect High Traffic Surfaces

Stay Home if Feeling Sick