COVID-19: News & Notices
As of November 10, 2020, all members of the Public will be required to wear a mask when entering all indoor public spaces, including the Town Administration Office.
For more information call the Town Administration Office at 780-622-3896.
Public Notice: Vegetation Management – Blue Ridge Lumber INC.
Blue Ridge Lumber Inc., will be conducting our vegetation management program on or after August 15, 2023, until September 15, 2023. [Read more]
Canada Day Festivities, Fox Creek Style.
Happy Canada Day 2023, everyone Schedule of Events 8AM - 10AM - Pancake Breakfast. Community Hall. Sponsored by Horizon North 10:30 -11:30AM- Parade. We will begin at the Golf Course, proceed to and [...]
Fox Creek Strategic Plan 2023-2026
"This Strategic Plan represents Council’s priorities and direction for Fox Creek until 2026. It is a document that outlines our passions, focuses on the needs of the community and includes aspirations of what we would like to become." Mayor Gilmour [Read more]
Canfor 2023 Vegetation Management Program
Canfor’s Whitecourt and Fox Creek 2023 Vegetation Management Program application of herbicides is scheduled to begin on or around August 15, 2023, pending approval from Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development. [Read more]