Press Release

July 24, 2024


The Town of Fox Creek is thrilled to announce the receipt of $497,000 in funding for a three-year term to support the Community Adult Learning Program (CALP). This significant investment from the Government of Alberta will enhance our efforts to provide, promote, and increase access to essential adult foundational learning opportunities in our community.

The Community Adult Learning Program supports over 80 community-based learning organizations across Alberta, offering Adult Literacy and Foundational Learning opportunities. These CALPs are backed by the Community Learning Network (CLN), which collaborates with diverse system stakeholders and partners to provide CALP staff with the professional development, training, and support services they need.

New Programs Offered in Fox Creek:

Write out Loud!: For adult community members who have experienced gaps in communication, people who could be helped by “writing it down,” and people who want to learn to communicate better.

Literacy Drop-in: For adult community members who have experienced gaps in their learning and high-level ELL learners wanting enrichment materials or extra instruction to add to their already existing learnings.

Beginner Book Club: For individuals with lower reading levels looking to participate in more social opportunities, and ELL learners with good speaking and listening skills needing more assistance in reading and writing.

English Conversation Café: For non-English-speaking community members looking for a safe space to practice speaking and listening to English.

Survival English: For non-English-speaking community members looking for a safe space to practice speaking and listening to English.

Numeracy Drop-in: For adult community members who have experienced gaps in their learning and are requiring enrichment materials to help improve their numeracy skills to build the confidence needed to participate in daily work or personal tasks that they are currently avoiding.

Community Kitchens: For low literacy and low-income individuals.

Back to Work Boot Camp: For individuals needing skills for job search and resume/cover letter building, this program will also provide confidence building for individuals who have been under or unemployed for a substantial period of time, thereby increasing the number of individuals in our community obtaining meaningful employment.

The Community Learning Network strengthens the Community Adult Learning System in Alberta by ensuring:

• CALPs have access to responsive professional learning.

• CALPs deliver quality community-based adult learning.

• Funds allocated to the CALP system provide the greatest return on investment.

• Collaboration, alignment, and connectivity throughout the system.

The funding will enable Fox Creek’s CALP to expand its reach and impact, offering more adults the opportunity to improve their foundational skills and transform their lives through education.

“At The Fox Creek CALP, we’re excited to introduce new programs that warmly welcome newcomers and community members alike. From Family Literacy sessions to our English Conversation Café and Community Kitchens, we’re dedicated to fostering learning and growth within our diverse community.”

– Jackie Arthur, Community Adult Learning Program Coordinator

For more information, please contact:
Kristen Milne
Chief Administrative Officer Town of Fox Creek

102 Kaybob Drive, PO Box 149,
Fox Creek, AB T0H 1P0
(P) 780-622-3896

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