
Media Release: Congratulations Fox Creek Bulldogs – Provincial Champions

2021-03-11T12:39:55-07:00March 31, 2019|Community Matters, News and Announcements, Press Release|

For Immediate Release April 1, 2019 Mayor Jim Hailes, Town of Fox Creek, released the following statement to congratulate the Fox Creek Bulldogs and Fox Creek Minor Hockey Association on their win in the ATB […] [Read more]

Speech: Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

2021-03-11T13:00:50-07:00February 26, 2019|News and Announcements, Press Release|

For Immediate Release February 26, 2019 Mayor Hailes delivered the following speech at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex in Fox Creek, AB. “Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, and welcome to […] [Read more]

Speech: Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex Grand Opening

2021-03-11T13:01:51-07:00February 26, 2019|News and Announcements, Press Release|

For Immediate Release February 26, 2019 Mayor Hailes delivered the following speech at the Grand Opening of the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex in Fox Creek, AB. “Good evening the Honourable Minister McCuaig-Boyd, Reeve Gervais, special […] [Read more]