Community Matters

Council sends letter to Premier Kenney requesting additional funding for rural small businesses

2021-09-09T16:54:45-06:00July 21, 2021|Community Matters, Council Matters|

The Town of Fox Creek recently received a letter from our fellow municipality the Town of Ponoka regarding concerns over disproportionate funding for rural small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their ultimate request for support in voicing these concerns is easily provided as this is an issue also realized by ourselves. [READ MORE] [Read more]

Attention RV Owners: Changes to RV Parking Rules

2021-09-09T16:59:52-06:00January 18, 2021|Community Matters, News and Announcements, Recreation and Culture|

Along with changes in RV parking rules, there has also been changes to the guidelines regarding obstruction of snow removal, and the introduction of a few other measures that will allow the Community Peace Officer [...]