Public Notices

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Operation and Maintenance of Smoke and Iosegun Lake Campgrounds

2024-09-12T08:14:22-06:00September 11, 2024|Public Notices, RFP|

The Town of Fox Creek is seeking a qualified contractor to operate and maintain the Smoke and Iosegun Lake Campgrounds.  [Read more]

News Release – Regional Companies to Share Forestry Plans at Virtual Open House

2024-04-16T15:30:52-06:00April 16, 2024|Front Featured, Public Notices|

This spring, forest companies ANC Timber (Alberta Newsprint Company), West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. (Blue Ridge Lumber), and Weyerhaeuser Company - Pembina will be holding “joint open houses”, to share forestry operating plans for the year ahead.  [Read more]

Public Notice: Canfor’s Whitecourt and Fox Creek 2023 Vegetation Management Program

2023-08-29T11:45:36-06:00August 29, 2023|Front Featured, Public Notices|

Canfor’s Whitecourt and Fox Creek 2023 Vegetation Management Program has been approved by Alberta Forestry and Parks. [Read more]