Municipal Development Plan

2021-03-24T11:43:55-06:00March 24, 2021||

The Municipal Development Plan for the Town of Fox Creek provides policy direction that promotes sustainable growth and development, and supports both a high quality of life and economic opportunities for the community. Through a [...]

Land Use Bylaw

2024-09-10T10:29:59-06:00March 24, 2021||

Fox Creek’s Land Use Bylaw, and amendments, regulate how land and buildings are used, building location, site allocation, building heights, and other provisions to ensure orderly development. Land Use Bylaw 824-2019 AO7 ConsolidationLand Use Bylaw [...]

Municipal Grant Program

2023-08-09T11:43:42-06:00March 24, 2021||

Our Municipal Grant Program provides local non-profit groups with funds, gifts or gifts-in-kind for events or projects that enhance and enrich our community. The Chief Administrative Officer makes funding decisions based on local needs, community [...]

Fire Bylaws

2021-03-24T11:38:49-06:00March 24, 2021||

The Town of Fox Creek has a few Bylaws that govern fires within the Town limits. Please refer to the Bylaws below if you are planning to have a fire. Please remember the Town of [...]