Snow Removal Policy

2021-03-24T11:49:30-06:00March 24, 2021||

The purpose of the Snow Removal Policy is to establish guidelines and priorities for the removal of snow and for the sanding of streets during the winter season. PO58-2016 Snow Removal Policy Snow Removal Map

Smoke Free Public Places

2021-03-24T11:48:58-06:00March 24, 2021||

The Smoke Free Public Places Bylaw regulates the consumption of Cannabis and/or Tobacco in any area or place where that person is prohibited from smoking under the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act or any other Act or [...]

Municipal Development Plan

2021-03-24T11:43:55-06:00March 24, 2021||

The Municipal Development Plan for the Town of Fox Creek provides policy direction that promotes sustainable growth and development, and supports both a high quality of life and economic opportunities for the community. Through a [...]

Land Use Bylaw

2023-06-28T17:33:43-06:00March 24, 2021||

Fox Creek’s Land Use Bylaw, and amendments, regulate how land and buildings are used, building location, site allocation, building heights, and other provisions to ensure orderly development. Land Use Bylaw 824-2019 AO7 ConsolidationLand Use Bylaw [...]