Veren Inc. (Veren) is a conventional oil and gas producer; however, we are anything but conventional. We are dynamic, disciplined, and driven by results. We have high-quality light and medium oil and natural gas assets across western Canada and the United States.

Veren has operations within M.D. of Greenview NO.16. The Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) intersects the Town of Fox Creek. Veren is working closely with the local authorities and the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to ensure safe operations now and in the future. Veren’s top priority is to provide an environment that safeguards staff members, suppliers, and the communities in which they work. They take all necessary steps to minimize risks, while meeting or exceeding regulatory laws and standards.Veren would like to assure you of their continuing commitment to the safety of the public, their workers, and the environment.

Veren has developed a detailed Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to ensure the health and safety of the public. The ERP has three primary public safety measures:


Shelter-In-Place is considered the primary public safety measure when the hazard is of a limited duration or the public would be at a higher risk if evacuated. The goal of Shelter-In-Place is to reduce the movement of air into and out of a building until either the hazard has passed or the appropriate emergency actions can be taken (such as evacuation).


In the unlikely event of a long-term release, it may be necessary to evacuate you to ensure your safety. At this time you would be provided with a safe route to an established evacuation centre.

Ignition Procedures:

In conjunction with Shelter-In-Place and Evacuation strategies, the release may be ignited at the source in order to reduce your exposure to the hazard. The combustion of gases being carried high into the atmosphere allowing additional time for the public to safely evacuate. The decision to ignite would be made in consultation with the AER.

Download Public Notice here.

Veren has prepared a public information package outlining their operations in the area including details on the emergency response process. You can download the public information pamphlet for your records by clicking the image or the link below.

Public Information Package

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Veren
e-mail: info@h2safety.ca


Veren Inc. Emergency 24 Hour: 1-888-799-0043
Town of Fox Creek Admin: 1-780-622-3896