The Court Ordered Demolition and Clean-up of the Fire Destroyed Property located at 703-5a Street
Legally described as Lot 38 Block 30 Plan 762-0609 Fox Creek, AB.
The Town of Fox Creek (hereinafter referred to as “the Town”) invites interested parties to submit bids for the court-ordered demolition and clean-up of the fire-destroyed property located at 703-5a Street, legally described as Lot 38, Block 30, Plan 7620609, Fox Creek, AB.
Three (3) copies of the proposal shall be submitted, signed, sealed, and delivered, courtesy of the Chief Administrative Officer to the Town of Fox Creek.
The following Table of Contents specifies what information is provided in this Request for Proposal.
Table of Contents:
– Project Summary
– Scope of Service
– Proposal Details
– RFB Submittal and Timetable
Project Summary:
The Town is attempting to procure the services of a contractor (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) to perform the court-ordered demolition and clean-up of the property in Fox Creek at 703-5a Street, legally described as Lot 38 Block 30 Plan 762-0609.
a. Demolition and Clean-up:
Demolish the fire-damaged trailer and accessory buildings, remove all debris including burnt vehicle and other items from the property and level the site to grade in accordance with Development Permit No. D018-2024.
b. Operational Requirements:
The Company supplying these services must be experienced in demolition of burnt structures, be able to provide the demolition and clean-up in an economical, effective, healthy, and safe manner conducive of local, provincial, and federal regulations.
It is the responsibility of the Company to obtain all pertinent operational permits and licenses.
The Company shall only operate during permitted hours in accordance with the Town of Fox Creek Noise Bylaw.
Scope of Service:
The Company shall address and provide all the information requested under this proposal with respect to the following objectives, and provisions for the previously described project.
a. Company Provided Products and Services
As a minimum, the scope of services shall include the following:
1. Demolition of structures
2. Removal of debris
3. Leveling of the site to grade.
Proposal Details:
In making a proposal, the Company shall include the following information for the concession:
1. Specific Proposal Items to Address:
The Company shall show that they have:
– Town of Fox Creek Business License
– Workers’ Compensation Board coverage
– Liability Insurance with the Town of Fox Creek names as additional insured.
– Permits from Superior Safety Codes to disconnect the home from utility services (if applicable).
RFB Submittal and Timetable:
The proposal due date is January 10, 2025, at 12:00 pm. (UPDATE: EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 28, 2025)
The proposal can be submitted by courier or hand delivered to:
Town of Fox Creek
C/O Chief Administrative Officer
108 Kaybob Drive,
Fox Creek, AB T0H 1P0
Or email to:
Town of Fox Creek
C/O Chief Administrative Officer
Subject: 703-5a Street Demolition
The Town of Fox Creek reserves the right to reject any and all proposal. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise this Request for Bid (RFB), an addendum to this RFB will be provided. The Town also reserves the right to change submission dates for any reason. Late proposals will not be accepted.
The Town thanks all applicants for their proposals, however, only the successful bid (bidders) will be contacted.
PDF file here.