Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Committee (ICF)
Members Councillor Hudson Mayor Gilmour MD Representative Councillor Ryan Ratzlaff MD Representative Councillor Sally Rosson
Members Councillor Hudson Mayor Gilmour MD Representative Councillor Ryan Ratzlaff MD Representative Councillor Sally Rosson
This board meets to make decisions on appeals of subdivision or development decisions made by the Development Officer or Municipal Planning Commission. This Board meets as required. Remuneration and out-of-pocket expenses are covered. Members Councillor [...]
Deal with land use planning matters with particular emphasis on the Land Use Bylaw. Members Councillor Burridge Councillor Norman Alternate Councillor Hudson Brad Peavoy Mike Pasula Christy Dewalt Kevin Thesen Meeting Frequency: As required, meetings [...]
This committee advises Council on the successful applicant of the Legacy Scholarship Members Councillor Norman Councillor Doran Fox Creek School Representative Ronica DeCiccio Meeting Frequency: As required
This board is dedicated to fostering sustainable economic growth and enhancing tourism opportunities within Fox Creek and its surround areas. The board aims to collaborate with local businesses, community members and external partners to implement [...]
This board's objective is to advise Council on the development of emergency plans and programs. Members Mayor Gilmour Councillor Doran Emergency Management Coordinator Meeting Frequency: As required, a minimum of once a year