Executive Assistant

About Denise

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So far Denise has created 185 blog entries.

July 2021: Exercise Mistakes & Myths!

2023-04-05T00:24:42-06:00July 1, 2021|Fox Creek Wellness|

As someone who has spent a lot of time working with pre- and post-op clients, high performance athletes, and regular everyday exercising folks, I cannot help but notice a few very common trends amongst exercisers. With gyms now open (YAY!), consider giving this a read before your next visit! [Read more]

Press Release: Town of Fox Creek Bids Farewell to Long-time Volunteer Fire Chief

2021-09-09T16:55:20-06:00July 1, 2021|News and Announcements, Press Release|

Early in June, the Town of Fox Creek accepted the resignation of long-time volunteer firefighter and Fire Chief, Les Paul. [Read More] [Read more]

Public Notice: Reopening of Town Facilities

2021-09-09T16:56:42-06:00June 9, 2021|News and Announcements, Public Notices|

With a minimum 60% of Albertans aged 12 and up having received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, the Government of Alberta has permitted the province to enter Stage 2 of reopening beginning June 10, 2021. [Read More] [Read more]