Fox Creek Wellness

July 2021: Exercise Mistakes & Myths!

2023-04-05T00:24:42-06:00July 1, 2021|Fox Creek Wellness|

As someone who has spent a lot of time working with pre- and post-op clients, high performance athletes, and regular everyday exercising folks, I cannot help but notice a few very common trends amongst exercisers. With gyms now open (YAY!), consider giving this a read before your next visit! [Read more]

May 2021: Volunteer to BOOST Mental Health and Wellbeing

2023-04-05T00:32:12-06:00May 3, 2021|Fox Creek Wellness|

In honor of National Volunteer Week last month, I thought it would be worthwhile to highlight the positive effects of volunteering on mental health and wellbeing. I, myself was very surprised to hear that this was a researched area and that volunteerism contributed to positive mental wellbeing?! Upon reading the literature, it became evident as to why. [Read more]

October 2020 Supplements – Beneficial or a Waste of Money?!

2023-04-05T00:27:12-06:00October 1, 2020|Fox Creek Wellness|

Supplementation is a HUGE industry these days; it’s the hot topic around for any gym goers, and even the not-so-intense-casual-exercisers! As consumers that care about our health and wellness (and the thickness of our wallet), [...]