Executive Assistant

About Denise

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So far Denise has created 185 blog entries.

Public Notice: Restriction Exemption Program Reminder

2021-11-18T14:23:09-07:00October 21, 2021|News and Announcements, Public Notices|

From Oct. 26 and beyond, individuals over the age of 18 must have proof of a complete vaccine series with the second dose or have proof of a recent (within the previous 72 hours) negative COVID-19 test... [Read More] [Read more]

Public Notice: Management of the Fox Creek RV Campground to be moved

2021-11-18T14:22:22-07:00October 12, 2021|News and Announcements, Public Notices|

Since its opening, the Fox Creek RV Campground has been managed from the Town of Fox Creek Administration Office. Patrons of the campground could make payments, check the status of available stalls, and get general information on the campground itself. However, effective today this service will now be offered through the Fox Creek Greenview Multiplex. [Read More] [Read more]