Council Matters

Council Highlights: April 8, 2019

2021-03-11T12:32:30-07:00April 10, 2019|Council Highlights, Council Matters, News and Announcements|

Council proclaimed April 7, 2019, as “Green Shirt Day” for the Town of Fox Creek to raise awareness for Organ Donation and Registration in honour of Logan Boulet and the Humboldt Broncos. Director of Community […] [Read more]

Council Meeting Mar. 25, 2019 Highlights

2021-03-11T12:43:57-07:00March 26, 2019|Council Highlights, Council Matters, News and Announcements|

Shoemaker, Viney and Frieson presented the 2018 audit to Council, the auditors have issued a clean audit. Council has received permission from the Minister of Municipal Affairs to conduct a census that includes the portion […] [Read more]

Council Meeting Feb. 11, 2019 Highlights

2021-03-11T12:54:44-07:00March 6, 2019|Council Highlights, Council Matters, News and Announcements|

  Sgt. Steven Thackeray presented the enhanced policing report for the month of January, highlighting the number of calls the detachment received. One number that stands out is the 77 Provincial traffic violations that were […] [Read more]

Council Meeting Feb. 25, 2019 Highlights

2021-03-11T12:59:26-07:00February 27, 2019|Council Highlights, Council Matters, News and Announcements|

  Stacy Hanlon and Deb Roddick from Minor Baseball presented to Council their proposal for the upgrades to the main baseball diamond in town. This upgrade will allow for regulation play for the Bantam and […] [Read more]

February 25, 2019 Council Meeting Agenda has been uploaded.

2021-03-11T13:06:57-07:00February 22, 2019|Council Matters, News and Announcements|

The Agenda for the upcoming Council Meeting on February 25, 2019 has been uploaded. Click to view and download here. Monday February 25, 2019 6:30 pm In Council Chambers Everyone welcome to attend! [Read more]